Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Different cookies in different Firefox windows

This trick makes using 2 different google accounts so much easier.

Create a shortcut of firefox.exe anywhere you like. You can just copy and paste the Firefox shortcut on your desktop. Then right click - properties - modify "Target".
The default value of "target' is the full path of firefox.exe. Usually it's something like this:
"D:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
Add some command line arguments after the full path, so it looks like this:
"D:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -no-remote -P "YourProfileName"
The first time you run this shortcut the Profile Manager will come up. Just create a new profile with exactly the same name as written in your shortcut, and you're done!

Whenever you click on this shortcut, the new Firefox window opened will be completely separate from your original Firefox instance. Different set of cookies, bookmarks, settings, addons, etc.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Facebook is down?

Whenever something is down, I search on twitter for news.
Can't use Gmail? Search twitter for "gmail" and know it's not only you.
AT&T data not working? "Same here" says a lot of tweets.
Now facebook is having problems, and twitter is instantly flooded with the news.

Now I wonder what will happen if twitter goes down...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hello Earth!

… and all earth inhabitants!

I am twIsteroId AmbAssAdor, from – you guessed it – the planet twIsteroId, and this is my consulate general in the USA.

On this blog I will post anything I would like the world to know, mostly about my hobbies and projects. That is, if I have time to write.


get myself an avatar

find, or create a template for this blog

post my previous projects, including pt -> bms file converter for DJMax Online and other stuff I wrote/made for DJMax

write a world setting for the planet twIsteroId

and more…